Virtual Consultations Available with Dr. Boynton

Cheek Lift vs. Facelift

Both women and men who would like to address signs of aging in the face can often take advantage of cosmetic procedures designed to enhance the skin and provide a smoother, more youthful appearance. One of the most popular and effective surgical treatments for the face is a facelift; however, what some individuals may not know is that there are […]

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Jowl Lift for Sagging Jowls

According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, the word “jowl” is defined as: “the lower part of a person’s cheek, especially when it is fleshy or drooping: she had heavy jowls.” One of the things that bothers women most when they get in their 40s (sometimes 50s) is the development of jowls. This happens with aging and many different approaches […]

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