Virtual Consultations Available with Dr. Boynton

Surgical Vs. Non-Surgical Double-Chin Reduction

The development of what is sometimes referred to as a “double-chin” is a very common occurrence, and it can happen to all of us—even to individuals who take good care of their health and are in the best physical shape possible. A double-chin is essentially caused by the accumulation of excess skin, excess fat, or both in the upper regions […]

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Minimally Invasive Options for Facial Rejuvenation, Jowl Reduction & Jaw Line Improvement

Several facial rejuvenation “trends” have become popular among women and men in their late 30s and 40s who want “improvement” in their cheeks, jowls, neck, and jawline but are not yet ready for a “real” facelift. These are often referred to “lunchtime” treatments and procedures, as many can be performed during a patient’s lunchbreak from work or other daily activities. […]

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