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Surgical Vs. Non-Surgical Double-Chin Reduction

The development of what is sometimes referred to as a “double-chin” is a very common occurrence, and it can happen to all of us—even to individuals who take good care of their health and are in the best physical shape possible. A double-chin is essentially caused by the accumulation of excess skin, excess fat, or both in the upper regions of the neck. This can have a significant effect on the contours of one’s profile, and it can be a source of incredible frustration when traditional diet and exercise fail to have much of a noticeable effect on the area. If you are experiencing these concerns, we’ve got some good news! Our board-certified plastic surgeon, James Boynton, MD, offers an array of options that can reduce the appearance of a double-chin and enhance definition and contour in the upper neck. 

There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments available for double-chin reduction. Depending on each patient’s unique needs, certain procedures may be more ideal than others. The descriptions below will give you a general idea of the different techniques that can be utilized to address these common concerns: 

Non-Surgical Double-Chin Reduction  


KYBELLA® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment, and one of very few non-surgical options available to reduce excess fat under the chin. This innovative procedure utilizes precise injections of a special solution designed to destroy fat cells in the targeted area. These excess fat cells can then be filtered out of the body via natural processes. Depending on the extent of fat in the treatment area, a series of KYBELLA® treatment sessions may be necessary for optimal results; however, each treatment can often be completed in under 30 minutes, and most patients do not need a recovery period. 

While KYBELLA® can be an effective option for many individuals, it is important to note that this treatment is primarily designed for patients with only mild to moderate degrees of excess fat in the upper neck. Patients must also have reasonably good skin elasticity in this area; KYBELLA® will not be a useful treatment option for patients who are experiencing a double-chin due to loose, excess skin rather than fat. 

Surgical Options for Double-Chin Reduction 

Neck Lipocontouring/Liposculpture  

For more excessive and severe levels of fat under the chin, surgical lipocontouring with neck liposuction may be a better treatment option. Special cannulas will be inserted through small incisions created near the earlobe and under the chin, where the excess fat can be carefully and precisely reduced to create a more contoured profile. This double-chin reduction option will require a recovery period; however, many patients are well enough to resume non-strenuous daily routines in just a few days. Neck liposuction can provide significant aesthetic results and serve as an ideal treatment for the right patient. 

Jawline Lipocontouring 

Jawline lipocontouring is typically included with liposuction of the neck. This component of the procedure allows for liposculpturing of the lower jaw to beautifully enhance its contours. Jawline lipocontouring is performed with very small, fine cannulas and can be performed as an in-office procedure that takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. 

Neck Lift 

In cases where signs of a double-chin are mostly due to excess, inelastic skin as opposed to fat, a surgical neck lift may be the most ideal way to resolve the concern. Dr. Boynton offers both traditional neck lift techniques and a state-of-the-art “suture suspension” neck lift, which is less invasive than other types of neck lift procedures. Surgical neck lifting can ultimately give the skin of the neck a firmer and tighter look, recontouring the area and reducing the appearance of a double-chin. Neck lift surgery can also be combined with liposuction when the concerns are being caused by both excess skin and excess fat. 

The best way to determine whether surgical treatment or a non-surgical option such as KYBELLA® is the right procedure for your needs is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Boynton. He will conduct a thorough examination of the neck and explore all of your options with you. If you decide that a recommended procedure is right for your goals, Dr. Boynton will develop a customized treatment plan designed to renew your neck contours with beautiful results!