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Anatomic-Shaped, Form-Stable Cohesive Gel Breast Implants


Since their relatively recent FDA approval, I have seen a growing demand for anatomic-shaped, form-stable cohesive gel breast implants. These newer implant options – also referred to as “gummy bear” implants – have been available in Europe and Canada for at least eight years prior to their approval here in the U.S., and they have proven to be an excellent implant option with a variety of benefits for the right patient.

At my practice, patients have inquired about anatomically-shaped implants for a number of different reasons, but the majority of inquiries have seemingly stemmed from the desire to achieve the more natural look and youthful feel “gummy bear” implants can provide. These patients often elaborate by saying they want results that resemble their breasts prior to childbearing, and they also want to avoid an overly augmented look so that others don’t even realize they have implants.

In my experience, breast augmentation patients seeking this more natural look and feel often make excellent candidates for form-stable, cohesive gel implants. I would further define the ideal candidate as someone who has a tight skin envelope and slight drooping of the breasts. Form stability from these implants can provide resistance as well as an anatomically-natural silhouette that may help to reposition the nipple without the need for a breast lift.

To learn more about anatomic-shaped, form-stable cohesive gel breast implants, stay tuned for my next blog post in which I will discuss why I choose to offer Mentor®’s MemoryShape™ implants as my “gummy bear” implant option.