When to Consider Revision Breast Augmentation

Breast Revison Houston

Breast revision surgery can often be an excellent option for women who are not satisfied with the results of a previous breast augmentation, as well as for those whose aesthetic goals and/or desires have changed since their initial breast enhancement procedure. Some of the most common reasons to consider revision breast augmentation include:

  • If you are experiencing capsular contracture, which is caused by a thickening of scar tissue around the breast implant(s).
  • If one (or both) of your breast implants has ruptured due to the age of the implant or an accident.
  • If you have visible asymmetries in the breasts.
  • If one or both breast implants have dropped below the breast crease – a condition commonly known as “bottoming out.”
  • If you are experiencing symmastia, a condition in which implants merge and eliminate cleavage.
  • If you desire larger or smaller breast implants than you currently have.
  • If you wish to exchange your breast implants from saline to silicone (or vice versa).
  • If you feel the shape of your breasts appears unnatural.

Regardless of why you are seeking breast revision surgery, it is imperative to seek the expertise of a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in this procedure, as revision augmentation is often complex and requires an extremely meticulous approach. One of the many “hats” I wear is that of a breast revision specialist. As such, I offer some of the latest breast revision methods available, including neo pocket revision with form-stable cohesive silicone gel breast implants and acellular dermal matrix (ADM) with Strattice™ dermal grafting techniques. Strattice™ ADM can be an excellent tool to help internally support the breast implant, prevent implant malpositions, prevent palpable wrinkling or rippling, and prevent capsular contraction. Using these innovative procedures, I have been able to achieve exceptionally natural-looking results for my patients while helping to reduce the risk of future complications, such as recurrent capsular contraction.