Virtual Consultations Available with Dr. Boynton

‘Flash Recovery’ Breast Augmentation – Boynton Plastic Surgery

I saw the hype on “flash recovery” breast augmentation in Los Angeles when a certain pop star went “public” about being back on stage and performing a concert three days later after undergoing breast augmentation. I began reading more about the technique and realized that the concepts published by Drs. John Tebbetts and Bill Adams in Dallas were reportedly similar […]

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Considering Downsizing Your Breast Implants?

If you are interested in reducing the size of your breast implants, there are a number of breast revision techniques that can help you achieve your new cosmetic goals. At my practice, I offer a revolutionary technique known as the “neo pocket” to downsize implants with excellent results and a reduced risk of capsular contracture, implant malpositioning, symmastia, and other […]

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Benefits of Strattice™ Dermal Grafting for Breast Revision

For individuals considering breast revision surgery to correct and/or improve unsatisfactory results from a previous breast augmentation, an innovative dermal grafting (acellular dermal matrix) method known as Strattice™ Reconstructive Tissue Matrix can often be an excellent option. Designed as an “internal bra” of sorts, Strattice™ works to support weak breast tissue, while also promoting the growth of your own tissue. […]

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3 Techniques for Reducing the Risk of Capsular Contracture

As mentioned in my previous blog post, capsular contracture is a condition characterized by the hardening and contraction of scar tissue around breast implants, sometimes resulting in discomfort, firmness of the implant, and a distorted breast shape. When performing breast augmentation – or any other surgery involving implants – I often employ three techniques that I have found can help […]

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What is Capsular Contracture?

When a breast implant – or any foreign object – is introduced into the body, the natural response for the body is to encapsulate the “intruder” inside a thin layer of scar tissue (which we call a “capsule”) to “wall it off” and prevent it from causing harm to other tissues. The majority of the time, this capsule remains extremely […]

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Incision Options for Breast Augmentation

/>At my practice, patients interested in breast augmentation typically have two incision options available to them: the inframammary incision (underneath the breast) and the periareolar incision (around the areola). Some surgeons also offer a transumbilical incision (in the belly button) and a transaxillary incision (in the armpit); however, I do not recommend either of these approaches as the former could […]

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What Are My Breast Implant Options?

It is no longer a round world when it comes to breast implant options. In my practice, I offer many different breast implant options, including traditional silicone gel implants, highly cohesive or form-stable cohesive silicone gel “anatomic style” implants, and saline breast implants. Selecting the right breast implants will depend on a number of factors unique to every individual. During […]

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Why I Offer MemoryShape Breast Implants

MemoryShape breast implants are a highly-cohesive, “tear drop” shaped implant option produced by Mentor® – one of the leading implant manufacturers worldwide. I offer MemoryShape implants because Mentor® uses the ideal gel properties (crosslinking) to produce their implants which help to provide the optimal combination of form stability (shape) and natural feel (softness). Additionally, through a six-year post-surgery study, Mentor® […]

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Anatomic-Shaped, Form-Stable Cohesive Gel Breast Implants

Since their relatively recent FDA approval, I have seen a growing demand for anatomic-shaped, form-stable cohesive gel breast implants. These newer implant options – also referred to as “gummy bear” implants – have been available in Europe and Canada for at least eight years prior to their approval here in the U.S., and they have proven to be an excellent […]

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